Thursday, December 24, 2009



Thomas Jefferson
“My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.”

That is where we are at this time of our history. This did not happen over night, in the past year, or in the last eight years. We can spend our time e-mailing each other in blaming this person or that other party of the problem but we need to look in the mirror. Than become part of the foundation that can change “our of control government”. That is GOOOH.

You have heard of the term “I have found the enemy and it is me”. Yes; “We the people” have allowed this growth of government and it will only be changed by ‘We the people”.

That is the mission of GOOOH. What does GOOOH mean? It means GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE. At

The US House in Congress has control by law of all Spending bills, Taxes, Military, Benefits, and all of the goodies, which are given to us, and the world. If the House does not vote for a bill for it, it does not happen. We need to replace all house members in both parties with everyday people who are not coupled to the factions of special interests. Stop blaming everyone else and take up the cause with rest of us.